Archive for the 'Tablet Computers' Category

iPad is a Huge Commercial Success

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Tablet ComputerApple is reporting tremendous sales of iPads, making it “the most quickly adopted non-phone electronic product” with 3 million sold in the first 80 days and an ongoing rate of 4.5 million per quarter.

(via Kim Komando)

Scrabble For the iPad, Using iPhones as Tile Racks

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Tablet ComputerThis is really neat! Get the Scrabble app for the iPad, and you can use iPhones as the tile racks (via the Tile Rack app).


An iPad and a Two-Year-Old

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Tablet ComputerThe linked article has an embedded video showing what happened when the author gave an iPad to his two-year-old daughter. Her proficiency is almost scary, which says something very good about Apple’s ability to design user interfaces.


Apple Announces The iPad

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Tablet ComputerLast week Apple introduced its latest invention, the iPad. Despite the fanfare, I don’t believe the iPad will dramatically change the state of the art. I expect the chief reason for buying an iPad will be its advanced e-book reading capabilities.

The iPad has been described as a large iPhone. It can run all existing iPhone apps without modification. It runs the Safari web browser but has no support for Flash, which disables quite a few websites. It does not have a built-in camera, nor does it allow you to make phone calls (even VoIP is prohibited for now).

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