What Things Do Immigrants Find Most Surprising About Life in America

August 12th, 2012

Statue of LibertyThe radio show, This American Life, did a segment where they interviewed recent immigrants to the United States and asked them what aspects of American life they found to be the most unbelievable. Then someone posted a follow-up question on Quora to see what else there was. The lists include:

  • People obeying traffic laws
  • Christmas light displays
  • Homelessness
  • Serving sizes, obesity, and well-stocked supermarkets
  • Public displays of affection, such as kissing
  • Availability of firearms to any citizen

Link #1 (Flash audio stream. Starts at 35:34 and lasts about 10 minutes. Start the audio then click the right-arrow in the “Act 2” section to jump directly to it.):
(via Neatorama)

Link #2 (Follow-up): http://www.theatlantic.com/…

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