Archive for April, 2012

Global Warming Gets a Rigorous Analysis

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Recycle LogoGlobal warming skeptics have brought up concerns about the rigor of studies showing a significant increase in global temperatures. Some critics have even accused researchers of purposely skewing the results. To set the record straight, Berkeley Earth set out to redo the various studies, this time with full scientific rigor and verifiability. Their conclusion is that the previous studies are accurate. I’m assuming this means that the “hockey stick” graph of global temperatures is correct.


The Death of the Canadian Penny

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

MoneyHere at the Chad’s News network command center, we think the penny and dollar bill should be abolished, and we do our part by making an effort to use two-dollar bills and dollar coins. What a simple way for the government to save money—according to the first linked article, it costs 2.3¢ to mint a penny. The Canadians, and even the US military, are ahead of us in this respect

Thanks to Josh for this link.

Link #1:…

Link #2:…

Colony Collapse Disorder Solved

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

BeeLong-time Chad’s News readers may recall this post, where we discussed the mysterious death of honeybees, known as colony collapse disorder. Researchers have been working hard at finding the cause and are now reporting that it’s the neonicotinoid family of pesticides. Scientists at Harvard were able to recreate colony collapse disorder using imidacloprid, one of those pesticides.

Thanks to Josh for this topic.


Is Climate Change the Source of Human Crisis?

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Nuclear ExplosionFrom the linked article: “[Researchers] noted that social disturbance, societal collapse and population collapse often coincided with significant climate change in America, the Middle East, China, and many other countries in preindustrial times, suggesting that climate change was the ultimate cause of human crisis in many preindustrial societies.” The article goes on to link climate change with famine, war, economic chaos, and mass emigration. It then suggests that climate change, not sociopolitical factors, was the real motivating force behind these events.

On a side note, some time ago I read the book Collapse, which analyzes the collapse of four societies. In each case the author found climate change to be one of the factors, and in several cases it was the primary factor.


Bank Robbing as a Career Choice

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

ThiefLong-time Chad’s News readers will recall this post, where a man explains how his group pulled off an “impossible” diamond theft. In the same vein (and a la Sneakers), Jim Stickley is a security consultant who uses social engineering to infiltrate a bank’s computer network and steal confidential financial information.

Link #1 (Interview):…
(via Slashdot)

Link #2 (Detailed Break-In):…