Archive for April, 2009

Print on Demand in the UK

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

BooksUK bookseller Blackwell is launching a trial of the Espresso Book Machine, which can print books on demand in less than five minutes. Blackwell currently has 500,000 titles available and hopes for a full million by the end of the summer. This is one of those things that just begs the question, “Why isn’t this already in use everywhere?” But with the rising popularity of eBook readers such as the Amazon Kindle, I wonder about the long-term popularity of on-demand print services.

Link #1:…
(via Slashdot)

Link #2:…

Beware of International Roaming Charges

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

PhoneIf you intend to travel outside of the United States, be very careful about using the Internet via a wireless carrier or cell phone. Planning ahead can save thousands of dollars. The linked article is not the first time I’ve read of something like this happening. Also, don’t believe the customer service representative when he/she claims your existing plan will be sufficient.


The Swine Flu

Monday, April 27th, 2009

DoctorA new strain of swine flu has broken out in Mexico and Texas, leading to concerns about a pandemic. The linked article has more information, as well as answers to common questions.


Say Hello to Racetrack

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

MemoryIBM is developing a new type of memory, called racetrack, that may be a Flash-killer. The article doesn’t say much about it replacing volatile RAM, aside from a brief mention of racetrack being a “universal” memory.

(via digg)


Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

PhoneThe phone numbers 555-0100 through 555-0199 are reserved for fictional use in movies and such. But 555-2368 is still popular, even though it’s outside the allowed range. The linked article explains why.


Oracle to Purchase Sun

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

MySQL LogoI was concerned to learn that Oracle will be purchasing Sun Microsystems, especially since Sun owns MySQL, a direct competitor of Oracle’s database software. MySQL is very popular, and I’m not sure what would happen if Oracle should decide to discontinue it.


Update: The acquisition has been approved Sun’s stockholders, so now the purchase is waiting on regulatory approval.

Directed Twitter Spam

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

InternetTwitter is a popular micro-blogging site, where you can post short messages (tweets) about yourself. But users are starting to see a new type of directed, unsolicited advertising based on their posts. For example, say that you tweet about having an ear infection. This is monitored by someone, and you receive a message from a medical company suggesting that you try their product to help with the infection. It’s an advertisers paradise, because the messages are directed to those most likely to be interested in the product.

(via Kim Komando)

Who Needs Nostradamus?

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Back to the FutureHere are 11 predictions in Back to the Future II that came true. Pretty good for a sequel!

(via mental_floss)

What DRM Means For the Amazon Kindle

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Amazon KindleThe Amazon Kindle is an e-book reader that’s becoming quite popular. But be warned: the Kindle becomes an expensive paperweight should Amazon decide to cancel your account.


Financial Literacy: The $1500 Frisbee

Monday, April 13th, 2009

MoneyOne of the banks in my area is offering a free iPod Shuffle to people opening new accounts. Here’s the story of a guy who chose his bank based on a free gift, and he more than paid for it. All I can say is TANSTAAFL (with thanks to Robert Heinlein).

(via mental_floss)

Rapper Easter Bunny

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Easter BunnyThis Flash animation of the Easter Bunny doing a rap routine is hilarious. Thanks to June for this topic.


Thinking Outside the Universe

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

SpaceThis article is one of the more readable explanations that I’ve seen of how universes are created. It’s short and concise, yet manages to cover topics from quantum multiverses to what may exist outside of our universe.

(via digg)