Test-tube Orphan

August 17th, 2008

DivorceA Japanese couple went to India and hired a surrogate mother to carry their test-tube baby. But they got divorced before the baby was born. Now neither the surrogate nor the biological mother wants the baby, and the father cannot legally adopt his daughter.

Link: http://www.newscientist.com/…

3 Responses to “Test-tube Orphan”

  1. [link]danelle Says:

    Hi – found you via the presurfer, and putting you in my google reader. Very interesting ‘tidbits!’

  2. [link]Chad Cloman Says:

    Fantastic! Always glad to have more readers.

  3. [link]Brian Kern Says:

    What a legal mixup! I’m sure they will be able to put the child up for adoption though, but government might want to think about enacting some regulations for surrogate mothers and their clients.

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