Archive for May, 2008

Stupid Criminal Stories #10

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

ThiefNot realizing that most banks need prior notice to cash even a $1 Million check, this man allegedly tried to cash a $360 Billion check. To make matters worse, the check was made out to someone other than himself. After the police nabbed him for this blatantly obvious scam, they also determined he was carrying marijuana and an illegal firearm.

(via Neatorama)

The Death of Windows XP (or Not)

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

MicrosoftMicrosoft is adamant that June 30th is the last day it will sell Windows XP. Dell, however, has an interesting licensing agreement that will allow it to continue shipping PCs with XP pre-installed.


Shipping With Amtrak

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

TrainInstead of using standard shipping companies, you can ship via Amtrak and save. The downside is that they don’t deliver directly to your location—packages are picked up at the train station.
