Archive for March, 2007

Surrealistic Art by Rob Gonsalves

Monday, March 19th, 2007

ArtThis link has some neat, surrealistic drawings by artist Rob Gonsalves. You can purchase hideously expensive prints of his work here.

(via digg)

Warning! Daylight Saving Time Snafu!

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

AbsurdJust a reminder that Congress has mucked around with daylight saving time by advancing the start date. This year it will begin on March 11th instead of April 1st. You may need to update your computer’s operating system and software to handle the change. Of more concern are consumer electronics products, which may or may not have updates available. Chad’s News has several previous posts on the topic.

Green Computers

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

RecycleThe Associated Press has written an interesting article about the computer industry’s efforts at recycling. Computers and other consumer electronics contain a number of toxic materials, and just throwing them away is not a good idea. I know that Micro Center accepts computers and consumer electronics for recycling at no charge, and I imagine that other computer retailers probably do the same.


International Date Line Messes Up F-22s

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

AirplaneTurns out that crossing the international date line will crash the on-board computers for the new F-22 stealth fighter plane. Oops…
